Tuesday, 2 August 2016

25 Words You Can Use to Sound Smart

This is a list of 50 words that you can learn and use in your everyday language, assignments, essay writing or in times when you want to impress and make yourself sound smarter than you already are!

1. auspicious: 

used as an adjective
Meaning: favorable, prosperous, conducive to success.

2. cynosure:

used as a noun
Meaning: a person or an object that is the focal point of attention.

3. ebullient: 

used as an adjective
Meaning: enthusiastic or cheerful.

4. luminescent:

used as an adjective
Meaning: emitting light.

5. equanimity:

used as a noun
Meaning: mental calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.

6. magnanimous:

used as an adjective
Meaning: very generous or forgiving; unselfish

7. parsimonious:

used as an adjective
Meaning: unwilling to spend money or use resources; frugal.

8. excogitate:

used as a verb (formal)
Meaning: to think out or plan something carefully.

9. superabundant:

used as an adjective
Meaning: excessive in quantity.

10. unencumbered:

used as an adjective
Meaning: free of debt; not having any burden.

11. notion:

used as a noun
Meaning: a general concept or belief about something.

12. toil:

used as a verb
Meaning: to work extremely hard.

used a a noun
Meaning (2): physical labor or hard work.

13. disposition:

used as a noun
Meaning: a person's inherent qualities of mind and character; temperament of a person
Meaning (2): the arrangement or placement of something.

14. ascertain:

used as a verb
Meaning: make sure of something; find something out for certain.

15. cede:

used as a verb
Meaning: surrender; give up power.

16. facile:

used as an adjective
Meaning: superficial.
Meaning (2): easily achieved.

17.  conspicuous:

used as an adjective
Meaning: clearly visible or standing out; noticeable.

18. exalt:

used as a verb
Meaning: glorify; think very highly of.

19. amicable:

used as an adjective
Meaning: friendly, easygoing.

20. condescending:

used as an adjective
Meaning: having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority; snobbish.

21. inconsequential:

used as an adjective
Meaning: not important; insignificant.

22. jubilation:

used as a noun
Meaning: a feeling of great joy or triumph; feeling elated.

23. ostentatious:

used as an adjective
Meaning: intended to attract attention and impress others.

24. perfidious:

used as an adjective
Meaning: untrustworthy; tending to betray.

25. rancorous:

used as an adjective
Meaning: spiteful; characterized by bitterness.

If you have any other words you want to add, comment down below!


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