Monday, 29 August 2016

5 Creepy And Unusual Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Amazed

The human mind is a complicated thing. It can react in unexpected and unusual ways from time to time. We know and hear of many of the usual mental disorders/illnesses such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia etc. However, here is a list of 5 creepy and unusual mental disorders that will surely leave you wondering; do we really have as much control on our brain as we think we do?

1. Alien Hand Syndrome:

Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a neurological disorder which causes the person to move their hands without being aware of it. The person has no control over their hand movement and sometimes may end up using the other more controllable hand to prevent themselves from any further movement.

This is a very rare disorder and it can cause the person suffering from it to have no control over their reflexes. Unfortunately, it is not curable. However, the degree of its severity can be reduced and it can be controlled to some extent by keeping the alien hand busy by having it grasp some object.

2. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome:

The name of this syndrome comes from Lewis Caroll's famous book "Alice Adventures in Wonderland" in which Alice magically transforms and either grows too big or shrinks too small. It is also known as Todd's Syndrome or liliputian's hallucinations and it is a neurological disorder in which the person develops a distorted perception. The person may suffer from migraines or have severe headaches which may affect the sufferer's sense of vision, touch, hearing, taste and sensations.
The person may also have a distorted sense of time during an episode.

This disorder usually affects young children and it is said that they can simply grow out of it as time passes.

3. Foreign Accent Syndrome:

Foreign accent syndrome is a rare disorder in which a native speaker develops a foreign accent, that is different from their native accent. This disorder can be caused because of damage to that part of the brain which affects speech.

The most usual reason for this condition is a stroke. However, it can be caused by other factors as well such as migraines, head trauma or any tumors. One of the symptoms of this disorder is that the patient moves their tongue or jaw differently which creates different sounds while pronouncing words from their native language that can result in a "foreign" accent.

4. Walking Corpse Syndrome:

Walking Corpse Syndrome (also know as Cotard Delusion) is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder in which the person being affected develops a false belief that they are dead or that they are missing their body parts, organs or blood. They may also have the delusion that they have lost their soul.
The patient denies their existence or believes that a certain body part has gone missing. This illness causes the person to neglect their personal hygiene and physical health as well as withdrawal from other people.

5. The Jumping Frenchmen of Maine:

The Jumping Frenchmen of Maine were a group of 19th century lumberjacks who exhibited this rare disorder. This syndrome involves startles reflexes which causes an uncontrollable jump. It also causes sudden movements in the body which occur involuntarily.

According to Wikipedia, individuals with this conditions were first found in the northern regions of Maine and were first described by George Miller Beard in 1878. He noted that they "could not help repeating the words or sounds that came from the person that ordered them any more that they could help striking, dropping, throwing, jumping, or starting."

So, did you find any of these weird or unusual? Comment down below and let us know what you think.


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